
Telling your story. Simply. Effectively.

Story-driven video for people, companies and causes.

Telling your story.
Simply. Effectively.

Story-driven video for people, companies and causes.

Great videos tell compelling stories in an authentic voice.

These stories connect people and build trust.

We help businesses and causes engage their audience through the power of story.

01. You don't just need video

The power of video is undeniable in today's digital world - but content without a plan can be a bad investment and end up as nothing more than an expensive ornament on your website's "bookshelf".

02. You need videos with purpose

You definitely need great video content, but to see real results you also need a personalised content strategy tailored to your specific goals and needs. At Patternbook we do both.

03. You need a video content strategy partner

We offer a free strategy session to all potential clients (online or in-person). During these sessions, we take a look at your current marketing efforts and outline a customized video content plan that will elevate your business without breaking the bank. If we can't visualise a successful plan for your business we won't try to sell you our services.

Our Approach & Process

We care about the stories we tell

1. Deep-dive

2. Strategy

3. Pre-production

4. Production

5. Results


Every great campaign starts with a deep dive into your origin story to clarify why your brand exists and what your growth objectives are.


We bring your brand story to life in a library of videos that attract, inform, and drive conversions.

Our Services & Offering

We tell your story in a variety of ways

Video Business Cards

This video is the cornerstone of your video asset library. It is your brand story and fulfills the vital role of communicating who you are, why you do what you do, what you do, and what makes you different from your competitors.

Testimonial Videos

It's one thing for a business to create their own ads that talk about the features & benefits of their product or service. It's quite another to let people see how it improves real customers' lives!

FAQ Videos

These videos are an effective way to deliver information to prospective clients by addressing common questions and objections. This saves time by providing information upfront, freeing your business or organisation to focus on growth.

Process Videos

These videos take a prospective client or customer through your process, showing them how it all works at a much deeper level. If they understand how the process works, they are more likely to take the next step.

Case Study Videos

A case study video documents a specific scenario you encountered or project you executed, how you dealt with it or provided a solution, and the final outcome that you were able to achieve.

Video Ads

These videos are designed to attract the attention of a potential customer and entice them to take action - usually to visit your website. Businesses can run paid video ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to get in front of potential clients and customers.

What are brand story videos?

Brand story videos are not a marketing gimick. It's a compelling narrative that vividly captures your brand's essence, culture, and values in a visually captivating format. It offers an interaction that enables your audience to forge a deep, personal connection with you. These videos are crafted with serious intent, seamlessly integrating emotion, authenticity, and storytelling to leave a lasting impression.

Why is Brand Storytelling Important?

Brand storytelling isn't just important; it's essential. These videos humanise your brand, making it relatable and unforgettable. In an age where we are constantly bombarded with content, a well-crafted brand video is the key to cutting through the noise and leaving a lasting impression. It's not just about what you do, but why you do it.

Let's chat about your next video

Let's chat about
your next video


081 286 0924

Cape Town, South Africa.

Get a quote or book an obligation-free consultation.